The map sheet to which the appendices belong:

1755273 @ Plany miast - Europa środkowa | map file: PLAN_MIASTA_POZNANIA_15K.jpg file size: 4700000 (4.5 MB) sheet number: Poznań map sheet scale 1:15000 sheet title: PLAN MIASTA POZNANIA modern name: Poznań alternative name: Posen publication year: ± 1930 scan resolution: 300 dpi remarks: Data wydania / publication date : ? (lata 20-te lub 30-te XX w / 1920s or 1930s) | Wydawca / publisher : Inst. Kartogr. Ski Akc. “Atlas” we Lwowie pod kierownictwem prof. E. ROMERA | Kolory / colours : kolor / color | Skala / scale : 1:15 000 | file added: 2012-10-14

The appendices:

Appendix 1 (id 1760126) :
file namePLAN_MIASTA_POZNANIA_15K_reverse.jpg
file size6387738 (6.1 MB)
appendix titlePlan miasta Poznania (verso)
publication year± 1930
entry edited2016-07-19 22:26:34
file added2016-07-19