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NOTE: To this category there are also appendices, placed IN THE BOTTOM OF THE LIST.
ATTENTION, a large file: 62.8 MB1 Samsun 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 57.2 MB2 Batum ბათუმი 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 75.7 MB4 Kerasund - Karahissar Giresun - Şebinkarahisar 1901 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 80.9 MB5 Trebizond - Baiburt Trabzon - Bayburt 1919 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 80.4 MB6 Olti - Tortum 1918 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 58.6 MB7 Kars 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 61.0 MB8 Sivas 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 72.8 MB9 Divrik 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 73.7 MB10 Erzingan Erzincan 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 69.9 MB11 Erzerum Erzurum 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 64.6 MB12 Alashgird Eleşkirt 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 66.9 MB13 Bayazid Doğubeyazıt 1916 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 40.7 MB14 Nakhichewan Naxçıvan 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 70.2 MB15 Azizie - Geurun Yazyurdu - Gürün 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 71.1 MB16 Malatia Malatya 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 69.7 MB17 Kharput Elazığ 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 70.6 MB18 Farkin - Mush Silvan - Muş 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 76.2 MB19 Van - Bitlis Van - Bitlis 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 68.8 MB20 Bashkala - Serai Başkale - سرائي 1916 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 43.3 MB21 Khoi - Julfa جلفا - خوی 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 68.2 MB22 Marash 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 63.8 MB23 Urfa Şanlıurfa 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 53.2 MB24 Diarbekr Diyarbakır 1914 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 62.8 MB25 Mardin Mardin 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 71.3 MB26 Bohtan - Jezire 1916 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 94.7 MB27 Urmia - Julamerk 1916 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 77.9 MB28 Alexandretta İskenderun 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 71.6 MB28 Alexandretta İskenderun 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 55.0 MB29 Meskine Meskine 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 46.9 MB30 Ras-ul-Ain رأس العين 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 49.1 MB31 Sinjar سنجار 1916 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 48.6 MB32 Mosul موصل 1916 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 68.8 MB33 Rowanduz راوندوز 1916 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 73.1 MB34 Sardesht - Sakiz 1916 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 58.2 MB35 Kirkuk كركوك 1902 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 64.2 MB36 Sulaimania السليمانية 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 43.5 MB37 Kifri كفري 1917 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 49.3 MB42 Hit 1917 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 42.3 MB43 Ana 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 53.4 MB44 Deir-ez-Zor 1915 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 36.3 MB44A Resafe الرصافة 1917 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 48.7 MB45 Mendali 1918 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 38.0 MB46 Palmyra تدمر‎ 1917 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 40.9 MB47 Rijm-el-Kheil 1917 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 49.1 MB48 Hatra 1917 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details
ATTENTION, a large file: 36.0 MB49 Abu Samakh 1917 600 dpi (2016-03-20) details

Appendices to this category:

AppendixIDWO 1522; East Turkey in Asia - Index sheet 2016 details